Stay At Home Mom Returning To Workforce. This article walks you through a sample cover letter, so that even if you are time poor in the extreme, you can simply read, add your details, and hit print and you're ready to go. How to describe your experience on a resume for a SAHM to return to the workforce and get any job you want.
Taking a several year hiatus from the work force can set your career back if/when you decide to return to the work force. How Working Moms and Moms Returning to Work Can Succeed in Job Interviews. You see, it allows you to create a "return-to-workforce" resume that stands out by using some power words Ready to return to work after staying at home to raise your kids?
Many stay-at-home mothers return to work because they feel, like Galvin Casey, a renewed desire for professional engagement.
As a stay-at-home Mom returning to the workforce, you have plenty of experience and credentials.
Although bad for them, this is great for you! It was hard going back to work after having been out of the workplace for so long. This plays into our first point, but is worth mentioning on its own.